Wednesday, April 9, 2008 new part time job that I love is being a freelance make-up artist for Bobbi Brown cosmetics. (And NO, Whitney's (ex)husband does not have a make-up line!) I work for her company so I travel to different stores when they have beauty events, trend shows etc. I have worked at 3 different Nordstroms in the past 4 weeks and will work for 2 different Neiman Marcus' this week. It makes for a long day on your feet, but doing people's make-up all day makes the time fly! As many of you may know, I love make-up and have wanted to do it for a long time and now I am!
How did I get the job you ask? My mom and I went to the Nordstrom Cosmetics trend show in November and got talking to my mom's make-up artist. I asked him what I needed to do to get into doing make-up and he walked me over to his boss. I met her and she said that they would call me for an interview after the new year. I got a random call at the beginning of March and WITHOUT an interview was asked to attend training and within 2 weeks I was working! (P.S. at training, I was the only person who had never done make-up at a counter or as a freelancer...everyone else had many years under their belt!) I guess they liked me!

1 comment:

diana said...

That sounds like alot of fun, good thing I enjoy having people do my make-up...tell me the next time your working.