The mop before...
Love my thumb and "silky-woobie"
Oh, and I forgot to add what she is doing new lately...she is WALKING!! She took her first few steps about 2-3 weeks ago and is getting more confident every day. She has taken about 15 steps at most, so hopefully by her first birthday she will be walking more than she crawls! (Not sure how long that process/transition is?)
She is also becoming a signing maniac. Her vocabulary consists of (in no particular order): "milk, more, all done, please, thank you, sorry, ball (says ball), shoes, book, bath, dog (says dog and barks), hat (says hat), food/eat. I think that is all...
Another funny thing she does with her signs is she will sit in her bed and I guess she is practicing or something, because she will do like 5 signs in a row while she is sitting there either waking up or trying to wind down...just talking to herself I guess. (we have a camera monitor, so we have fun watching "Elle TV")